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Installing Flourish

Thank you for purchasing Flourish!

Thanks for purchasing Flourish, a premium multi-purpose child theme for Divi, designed by Carrie Green and developed by Nathan Duvall of GruffyGoat.com.

In this page you will find step-by-step instructions explaining how to install your new child theme as well as import the Flourish customizations and features.

Flourish was built specifically for use with Divi by Elegant Themes. In order to install this child theme, you must first purchase a membership to Elegant Themes and download the Divi theme package. If you’ve not yet purchased a membership, visit http://elegantthemes.com.

Installing the Theme:

Once you’ve downloaded the Divi theme package, login to your WordPress website and go to Appearance > Themes. Find and upload the Divi parent theme and activate it.

Just like you installed the Divi parent theme, install & activate the Flourish-Child-Theme.zip child theme located in your Flourish download package.


Installing the Plugins:

Once you activate Flourish, you should see a notification at the top of your screen prompting you to install the recommended plugins. Simply click “Begin installing/activating plugin”. On the next screen, install and activate your plugin.


Flourish only contains one plugin for social sharing on the blog posts. If you notice, the blog layout also include a custom Bloom opt-in. Bloom is not included with Flourish, but can be downloaded from your Elegant Themes account. If you would like to copy the style of the Bloom opt-in from our demo, you can find the code needed in the FAQ section below.

Import the Sample Content:

We’ve partnered with Epic Web Solutions & Monterey Premier to bring you one of the simplest, easiest ways to import and activate all demo content… all with one click! Once you’ve activated your plugins, go to Divi > Import Demo Data and click the “Import Demo Data” button. Sit back and let the system do the rest for you! Be patient though, depending on your hosting provider and server speed, this process could take several minutes.


Need Help?

For assistance with using the Divi theme framework, Elegant Themes offers free technical support to all their members. Login to your account at http://elegantthemes.com and click “Support”.

For questions or support regarding Flourish, visit our support portal. We can also help you setup your child theme or provide further customization for an additional fee. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to receive notifications of Flourish updates or premium add-ons coming soon!

Plugins Used in Flourish:

The following plugins are used or are recommended for use in Flourish:

Disclaimers, Terms & Conditions:

On November 24, 2016 we released a brand new version of Flourish that was completely rebuilt from the ground up. Many images and layouts are completely changed from version 1. We do not recommend installing this version over top of your existing Flourish sites, instead, install this on a clean WordPress installation to avoid conflict with your existing design.

All designs are the intellectual property of Superfly and may not be sold, redistributed or given away. We ask that you respect the hard work we’ve put into this custom design and not send this file to others. Due to the nature of this product, refunds are not available. If you have additional questions, please visit us at http://besuperfly.com.

Disclaimer: Flourish is a child theme created by Superfly for Divi by Elegant ThemesFlourish is not a licensed product of Elegant Themes. Superfly is not affiliated with or sponsored by Elegant Themes.

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